Monday, March 22, 2010

Design Fantasy

One of my design fantasies (and believe me I have many) is to live in a converted church. I have a great admiration for religious architecture in general, the way they are majestic on the outside and tranquil in the inside. Whether in a countryside or in a busy urban street, they have a certain uniqueness. Although different from faith to faith, they posses a character which completely detaches them from their surroundings, as if they are in a kingdom of their own. Blame it on my Christian faith if you will, but something about these spaces conjures up feelings of calm, peace and safety. Well Needless to explain my joy when I came across "Church of Living" by Zecc Architecten. Take a look at the pictures and let me know what you think.



  1. absolute bananas! Thanks for stopping by my blog, have a wonderful weekend...Im checking out EARLY!


  2. this is absolutely beautiful. im a christian too, and i totally agree, living in a home like this would be amazing. it'd just have a peace to it that you can't quite get in other homes.
    oh, and i love your blog :) it's gorgeous.


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